GetQuestCompleted - Complete current quest.For example lmodpca luck 3 would take your 5 luck to 8. modpca (s.p.e.c.i.a.l) # - Changes the chosen stat by adding the given number.kill - Automatically kill the target you selected in Console Mode.addspecialpoints # - Add # special points.While the above cheats are confirmed for Fallout 4, the following Fallout 3 cheats are untested, so go ahead and try them out and let us know in the comments which cheats work! 🙂 This time around you can keep earning achievements with cheats activated. Note: Turning on cheats will NOT disable the earning of achievements. modvalue carryweight xx - Cheat Description: Adds weight to the character.fov xx - Cheat Description: Change field of view.

help “Item Name” 4 - Cheat Description: Prints to screen applicable item IDs.Player level can be raised from 1 to 100. tlevel # - Changes your level to #, and gives you extra perk points.tfc - Toggles free camera mode on/off.Fly up to higher vantage points & go through walls. tcl - No clipping mode (toggles between enable / disable).Gives you invincibility, infinite ammo, and infinite action points for infinite sprint, infinite VAT shots & ignoring the maximum carrier weight.